Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday Links: The Scarlet Gospels, Evel Knievel, and Antarctic Aliens

During your headlong dash toward the weekend, perhaps you might spare a look back to see what you may have missed in the world of the bizarre and horrific.
  • Clive Barker's The Scarlet Gospels has finally been released, and Ginger Nuts of Horror featured a really extraordinary series of articles relating to it, including reviews and retrospectives on both Pinhead and Harry D'Amour.  Get clicking and start reading for some excellent analysis.
  • John Kenneth Muir brought us some nostalgia with Evel Knievel action figures.
  • At the ever-expanding, never-relenting R'lyeh Tribune, Sean Eaton delved into Clark Ashton Smith and the Book of Eibon: "The Coming of the White Worm tells of the last adventure of Evagh, a sorcerer in the land of Mhu Thulan. Evagh is forcibly recruited by fellow wizards to join with Rlim Shaikorth on board his immense floating ice citadel, a vessel called Yikilth.  The ‘fat white worm” and his entourage travel up and down the coast of Mhu Thulan, destroying shipping and port cities with a kind of ice ray that enfrosts anything it touches."  (Sometimes, a white worm is just a white worm.  At other times, it's a penis.  Just saying.)
  • At Soiled Sinema, we were treated to an in-depth review of the film Runaway Nightmare: "Like any respectable cult film, Cartel’s flick has a background history as ludicrously labyrinthine as the film itself as a work that was expected to be shot over a three week period but was ultimately stretched to three years, only to be released without the director’s knowledge in an incomplete form on VHS as one of the first ‘straight-to-video’ films after the distributor subcontracted it to another distributor called All Seasons Video. To add insult to injury and then some, the distributor not only released the work without Cartel’s knowledge, but also spliced in random shot-on-VHS nude scenes in an absurdly conspicuous way worthy of alpha-smut-peddler Lloyd Kaufman."
  • Nev Murray reviewed Todd Keisling's Ugly Little Things: Volume One at his Confessions of a Reviewer!!: "This is a collection of four of his short stories. The stories in this book don’t follow a common theme. They are totally different styles and that to me makes it even more interesting. You get a true picture of depth of talent this man has."  Read on for in-depth analysis of each story.
  • At Ghost Hunting Theories, we learned about alien bases in Antarctica: "The question is, why would Antarctica be of any importance? There is much to be said for being able to come and go as the military from an area so hard to see and get to that no one knows your business. But, might there be other things about Antarctica that makes it of importance to both Earthlings and aliens?"
  • Here, I wrote about the Mad Men series finale and pointed you to a review I wrote at Ginger Nuts of Horror for Jasper Bark's extraordinary Stuck on You and Other Prime Cuts.

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