- Nev Murray discussed the difficulty of being a book reviewer at Confessions of a Reviewer!!: "So, where was I……yeah, people started to like my reviews. The most important thing for me was the fact that people started to tell me they were buying books purely from my reviews. This was a turning point for me as well. I was thinking right I really like this book, and the author is a pretty damned nice chap or chapess as well so, it would be nice to help them out and give them an honest review and hopefully someone else would pick their stuff up."
- Zombos' Closet of Horror scanned Chilling Tales of Horror and Suspense Vol.1 No.1, May 1969. It's all in picture form, so go there to feast your eyes.
- At the eminently incisive R'lyeh Tribune, Sean Eaton continued his batrachian series with Part 2: The Hazards of Frog-Gigging: "H.P. Lovecraft’s venture into batrachian horror, The Moon-Bog (1926), employs the fairy tale device of humans being transformed into frogs, though the mechanism and purpose is unclear. In the story, a wealthy landowner contrives to drain a swamp on some ancestral land he has inherited. This provokes the local genius loci with disastrous results. The Moon-Bog is a fascinating story on many levels, and worth reading in the context of Lovecraft’s later “Yog-Sothothery”—his term for work that was later categorized as part of the Cthulhu Mythos. The Moon-Bog was discussed at length in a previous post. (See also A Horror of the Amphibious.)" Part One of this series can be found here.
- At Ginger Nuts of Horror, Neil Snowdon was kind enough to reprint an interview he'd done with horror master Richard Laymon in 1995: "I think the reason that my books always retain a ‘weirdness, a nastiness, brutality etc’ is that I like writing about that sort of stuff. I find myself drawn to it. Give me the most innocent situation, and I’ll start imagining ways to turn it ugly. Fortunately, there is a market for that sort of thing. In a recent review of QUAKE that appeared in the HUDDERSFIELD DAILY EXAMINER, a Hilarie Stelfox wrote that I am ‘obviously writing books with one eye firmly fixed on the till, knowing that the public’s appetite for the mean, nasty and repulsive seems unending’."
- Horror Movie a Day reviewed The Houses October Built: "But the huge cast is also part of the problem - there are just too many damn cameras, and our main group is too interchangeable for the movie's own good. It's hard enough to distinguish the four guys (one has a beard, that helps) at its center, but it makes it even harder when they're seemingly always running two cameras but not necessarily showing everyone else in the frame (and camera #1 never picks up camera #2, I don't think). Sometimes you can figure it out pretty quickly, other times the scene will nearly be over by the time you realize who is holding the camera, which is a pretty big issue, I think."
- At Ghost Hunting Theories, the abduction of Betty and Barney Hill was discussed: "At the suggestion for regression hypnosis, the couple agreed. They both reported bald-headed alien beings that had slanted large eyes and grey skin and pear-shaped heads. They both also reported some kind of gynecological testing and sperm sampling." It is not known if the Hills' respective anuses were probed, but it's likely, knowing the Grays' proclivities.
- Here, I reviewed the movie Devil's Pass and offered some reminiscence about and analysis of The Omen III: The Final Conflict.

Illustration by Earl Geier, taken from Call of Cthulhu's Fatal Experiments supplement.
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